Introduction (Read Before Continuing!)


  Welcome to my Plushie Blog!! Hello there, kind reader! Thank you for checking out my plushie blog, where I will talk about my different pl...

Sunday, February 13, 2022

Update #4: Beanie Babies + Foxes = Perfection

 I'm back with a slightly unexpected purchase! I can't recall how I stumbled across it, but long story short, I found out about a beanie baby named Slick, as well as Snocap, whom are both foxes. They're both in the "newer" style of beanie baby, as in, they were made after 2000 and instead of being really floppy like the original beanies, they are slightly more stiff and more closely resemble the animal they're supposed to be. As soon as I saw them I had to have them, as the only other beanie baby fox I have is Sly and there's no such thing as having too many fox plushies!

First, I'll talk about Slick. I thought at first he was supposed to be a Fennec Fox, but his ears are a bit too small. After doing some research I've come to the conclusion that he's based on the South African Cape Fox. He's in mint condition and his tag came with a case. His birthday is August 11th, 2003, and according to his tag he enjoys detective books, word games, and puzzles. He seems like he would be a fun little guy to play with for a while!

Oddly enough, I've had a lot of trouble finding information on him. Looking up "Slick the fox beanie baby" on Google yields tons of results about a beanie boo red fox with the same name, and the few beanie baby encyclopedias I've looked at seem to have no record of him. I know I've never seen him before but I didn't realize he was so rare. I guess his rarity justifies the $16 I paid for him (I've never spent that much money on a single baby and, unless I find another similar to this, I prob never will again).

The next one is Snocap, a super fluffy arctic fox. Also in mint condition and the tag is in a case, which is actually the most interesting case I've seen as the front of the hang tag goes in first so instead of being open inside it kinda sticks out in front (sorry for my bad explanation lol). His fur is pretty soft and much like Slick, his legs are a bit stiff, though his tail can move around a bit more easily than Slick's tail. I honestly can't get over how fuzzy Snocap is, I don't think I've ever seen a beanie baby with so much fur on it. This one was $8 so it was a pretty good buy, especially considering this is another one which I'd never seen before (though admittedly not as rare as Slick).

Here are some comparisons:

Both of them together. I like to think that they're best friends since I bought them both at the same time from the same person, and I'll likely keep them next to my red panda beanie baby Rusty, who is made in the same style as these two are.

Here's Snocap next to Dakota. Of all my arctic fox plushies, Snocap is the second smallest and Dakota is the largest, so I wants to see how they size up together. I still prefer the way that Dakota is made, because he's really floppy and soft and realistic, but I love both of them a great deal.

Lastly, here is Slick, arguably my smallest fox plush (I do have one that's smaller but I couldn't tell you where it is rn) and Sterling, my largest fox plush, again comparing sizes. I honestly still can't believe how big Sterling is, it's so hard to come across plushies that are that size and that well made. Sterling is perfect for hugging sessions while Slick fits perfectly in my hoodie pocket, so I love them both.

I wanted to mention one more thing before I sign off. I did end up selling my fennec fox plush for about $13 (not including tax and shipping) so unfortunately the original Sandy is no longer with us. He's off to a new home and I'm sure the new owner will rename him and give him all the love and attention that he deserves. I don't know yet if or when I'm gonna buy a new fennec fox plush, but in the meantime I recently bought a really small (and very well made) fennec fox figurine made by Schleich and I absolutely adore him, so that will hold me over for a while. He literally fits perfectly in any of my pockets so I like to take him everywhere I go now! 

Anyways, that's all for now. I'm hoping to write some more blog entries on individual plushies soon so you guys can look forward to that. :)