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Sunday, January 30, 2022

Blog #14: Ben the Grey Squirrel (Aurora Miyoni)

 Ben the Grey Squirrel

Name: Ben
Gender: Male
Obtained: August 2021

Background: This plushie was a bit of an impulse purchase. I got him at a Tractor Supply Store for a reasonable $13, and given how cute he is I simply could not pass him up. He makes me wish that the Webkinz team would have made a Signature squirrel plush (they did made a Signature chipmunk, but surprisingly they never made a Signature grey or red squirrel, despite having regular plushies for both). There actually is a really nice red squirrel plush made by the same company that made my arctic fox plush (Uni Toys) but it's not currently available without paying for shipping and waiting forever like I did with the husky, so for now that plush is off-limits. In the meantime, though, Ben is a really cute squirrel plushie and I like him a lot so he's sufficient.

Personality and Other Stuff: Ben is outwardly mischievous and likes to prank people, but he's also somewhat of a handy man and likes to help people. He usually only misbehaves if he's bored (which seems to happen a lot) so giving him work to do is a good way to keep him out of trouble. He's a lot younger than most of the others (basically a teen) but he still gets along pretty well with them. He sees everyone as his equal, and not as authority figures, so nobody really has any control over him. He also loves playing sports, particularly baseball, and he often plays with Juniper.

Fun Fact: You likely noticed by the picture, but this squirrel plush is actually holding an acorn in his paws. I think it's kinda cute but I also wonder why they did that. I suppose for aesthetic reasons, since squirrels are usually associated with acorns.

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