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  Welcome to my Plushie Blog!! Hello there, kind reader! Thank you for checking out my plushie blog, where I will talk about my different pl...

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Blog #13: Sterling the Silver Fox (Douglas)

Sterling the Silver Fox

Name: Sterling
Gender: Non-binary (he/him)
Obtained: Jan 2022

Background: As is probably very obvious by now (if you've read my blog up to this point), you know that I'm a big fan of fox plushies. I absolutely adore foxes, I think they're really cute and I love their somewhat mischievous personality. They remind me a lot of cats, and I've loved cats as long as I've been alive. Anyways, since I love foxes so much, of course I would love to have a plushie for every type of fox. That's a lot easier said than done, though, and I find that most of the fox plushies on the market are either a red or arctic fox. Don't get me wrong, they're both very nice and I love to see plushies of them, but I also love variety when it comes to plushies.

So I wanted a new fox plushie that isn't one which I already had. Specifically, I had my heart set on a silver fox plushie. In case you don't know, a silver fox is actually not its own breed, rather it is a melanistic form of a red fox (like how a black panther is a melanistic leopard). In real life silver foxes are extremely rare, and it seems, likewise, that the plush form is just as difficult to find. Doing my research I was only able to find two silver fox plushies, one made by Douglas and one made by WWF. The former is readily available both through Douglas and Amazon, the latter is nearly impossible to find. (Also, in case you're wondering. No, searching for "grey fox" does not help as that is an entirely different breed and will yield a different result.) So I knew that if I wanted a silver fox plush badly enough that I would have to settle for the Douglas plush, which I eventually did. I really wish that more companies would make silver fox plushies, because they really are beautiful creatures.

I was a bit skeptical about this plush at first because I don't generally like plushies that are stuck in a lying position. And honestly, I would probably like this plush even more if it were in a semi-standing position like most of my other plushies. But I've had this plush for about a week now and he has instantly become one of my all-time favorites. His size really surprised me; I used to be shocked about how big Alex was, but Sterling is easily twice his size. He is so very cuddly; his fur is slightly coarse but it's still very soft and fluffy to the touch so holding him is not uncomfortable at all. He's also the perfect amount of floppiness, not too stiff but not limp. And of course I have to talk about the detail. The WWF silver fox, as nice as it is, doesn't look much like an actual silver fox, but this one looks almost exactly like a real one. I love the color texture on his fur in particular. I do, however, wish that his overall grey fur color was slightly darker than it is, but it's not nearly a big enough issue for me to dislike him at all. That's just a very small nitpick, which I actually love because it means that the makers of this plush made all the larger details perfect.

Anyways, ramble over, I really love this plushie and I could probably talk about him for at least a few more paragraphs. Let's move on, shall we?

Personality and Other Stuff: Sterling is a character who loves to praise others for their hard work but hardly gives himself enough credit. He's very overly critical of himself, and always strives to be better even if his friends think he's the best. He is very idealistic, disciplined, and very much so a hard worker. He radiates positive energy to his friends and always brings a happy mood to those around him. It's a wonder how he doesn't view himself the same way. Sterling is a big fan of watching and talking about movies, especially the comedy and adventure genres. He and Alex love to do commentaries of their favorite (and least favorite) films.

Fun Fact: I've only ever had one other lying plushie which I really liked, and it happened to also be a relatively large plush that was soft and floppy. I think I may still have it but I haven't seen it in years. If I ever find it I'm re-adding it to my plushie collection!

Another Fun Fact: I usually give my plushies a binary gender, since they are simply stuffed animals and they don't need an overly complex character. But I made this plushie non-binary, in order to represent myself. Even his personality is inspired by my own. I don't usually like making characters that are even loosely based on myself, but it's my hope that the love I give to this plushie can reflect back to myself, and teach me to love myself more.

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