Introduction (Read Before Continuing!)


  Welcome to my Plushie Blog!! Hello there, kind reader! Thank you for checking out my plushie blog, where I will talk about my different pl...

Sunday, January 16, 2022

Blog #5: Vixen the Red Fox (Webkinz)

Vixen the Webkinz Red Fox

Name: Vixen
Gender: Female
Obtained: April 2010

Background: As I've said before, my mom used to buy me Webkinz that she thought I would like. As a kid I was always a fan of cats, but I also really liked foxes (though it wasn't as obvious back then as it is now), so at one point my mom got me this plush. She instantly became one of my favorite Webkinz that I owned, which is saying a lot because I had 40+ Webkinz plushies as a kid!

As you can probably see in the picture above, and much like my other favorite plushies, she is well loved. She's not very soft and her fur is kinda.... stringy I guess? But even now she's still one of my favorite plushies. In my opinion, this is one of the better made Webkinz plushies. I love the way that the body is colored and proportioned, and just look at that floofy tail!! I think I recall this being a plushie that I brought with me a lot when I went places, and though I stopped briefly in my teen years (because adults would say something dumb like "why are you bringing a stuffed animal you're not a kid"), even as an adult I occasionally will bring this plushie with me when I go somewhere, along with my arctic fox plush!

Personality and Other Stuff: Vixen is best friends with Whitney the arctic fox, and she has no interest in romantic relationships. She's very soft spoken and passive, and she doesn't like to make people upset. She's very friendly to everyone she meets, and always strives to be a good person. She loves wearing dresses and large floppy sunhats to match. Her favorite hobbies are reading books, painting, and playing her violin.

Fun Fact: In the Webkinz virtual world, Vixen wears square-framed glasses. I mainly do this to accentuate her small eyes, but she is, canonically, somewhat blind, and requires them to see. I've always thought about giving her plushie glasses to wear but I haven't found any that would fit her.

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