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Friday, January 21, 2022

Blog #9: Phoebe the Pomeranian (Webkinz Signature)

 Phoebe the Webkinz Signature Pomeranian

Name: Phoebe
Gender: Female
Obtained: Jan 2021

Background: This lovely Signature was released in June of 2010, and while I personally did not have one as a kid, one of my friends did have one. In fact, the friend who owned it is the same friend who was the original owner of my timber wolf plush. But just in case you're wondering, no, this particular plush is not hers. I couldn't tell you what happened to her old pomeranian plush.

I bought this plush a little over a year ago, because not only is it one of the nicer Signature plushies, but it sufficiently satisfies my desire for a pomeranian of my own. I'm not generally a fan of small dogs--I much prefer big dogs like the golden retriever and newfoundland--but there are a few exceptions, namely the yorkshire terrier and the pomeranian. I have a fondness for animals that have long and/or fluffy fur/hair, and the friend I mentioned a moment ago actually used to own a pomeranian when she still lived here in my neighborhood (her plush was actually named after her dog, I assume her mom got it for her for this reason). At the time I wasn't much of a dog person since I had a lot of bad personal experiences with dogs as a kid, but I remember my friend's pom being really sweet and sassy. Poms have so much personality and they're really friendly, but they tend to be loud, that being the reason why I've decided against owning a real one for now. If I ever do get one, I'm definitely naming her after this plushie of mine.

This Signature is interesting in that it's one of the few with really long fur. I know that poms in real life are basically little puffballs with all their fur, and this plushie does a nice job replicating it (though I think that Aurora did a slightly better job recreating the actual shape of a pom with their Miyoni plush). It tends to get messed up easily when handling it, but straightening out the fur with a comb is an easy task. I love her little face on her big head, and her tiny little triangle ears. She's just so precious! 

So yes, I partly got this to remember my friend by and so that her timber wolf would once again have a pom friend, but I got her mostly because she's one of my favorite Webkinz Signatures and a very well made and cute plushie! <3

Personality and Other Stuff: Phoebe loves to indulge in her interests, which include playing tennis, cooking, and watching television. She's very conscientious and intelligent, but she is known for being snooty and somewhat boastful about her own accomplishments. She takes a lot of pride in her appearance, and believes herself to be among the most beautiful in the world. This may be true, considering how many people agree with her. Most will say she isn't particularly easy to talk to, but she always has a ton to say about everything so she's considered a very interesting person nonetheless.

Fun Fact: This plushie is unique in that she's probably very close to the size of an actual pomeranian! My golden retriever plush is obviously much smaller than my dog Sunny, and even my calico plush is smaller than most of my cats, but this pom plush is basically a perfect placeholder for a real dog in terms of its looks and size.

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