Introduction (Read Before Continuing!)


  Welcome to my Plushie Blog!! Hello there, kind reader! Thank you for checking out my plushie blog, where I will talk about my different pl...

Friday, January 21, 2022

Update #3: And we're done! (for now)

 The last two days have been really exciting for me, because I got my last two ordered plushies, the husky and the silver fox!!

I ordered the Faithful Friends Husky on January 6th, and luckily it had free shipping because this beauty came all the way from the United Kingdom. This plushie bears a striking resemblance to the Webkinz Signature Siberian Husky, which is infamous in the Webkinz community for consistently selling for over $200 on Ebay and Mercari. The one I got only costed $43, and it's brand new, whereas a Signature would very likely be used (if you got a new Signature husky you'd better be prepared to sell a kidney to make up for the cost). He finally arrived yesterday evening and I adore him!

The biggest difference between this plush and the Signature is that the Faithful Friends version has long fur that goes all the way down to the bottom of the paws, whereas a Webkinz Signature husky has short fur on its paws much like the other canine Signature plushies. I'm also not familiar with how holding a Signature husky feels, but this plushie is a bit stiff compared to my Signature golden retriever and arctic fox, especially its head and tail (perhaps I can "break him in" over time, I don't know). These small details, however, don't take away from how nicely made this plushie is. The fur has that really nice airbrushing on it, just like the Signature does (the husky's fur is white and is airbrushed in black, so moving your hand through its fur will show the white undercoat). The stitching is all perfectly fine, and I love the attention to detail. I don't necessarily know if I would pay $43 for it again, maybe closer to $30-35, but I don't regret my purchase one bit. I really love this husky plush so I'm very happy with my purchase!

Now let's talk about the big boy. Literally, he's a big boy. My silver fox plush from the Douglas toy company arrived in the mail today, and oh my goodness, I cannot get over him!! 

As I mentioned before, this is basically the only silver fox plushie you're gonna find on the market (except, of course, ones that are hand-made by people on Etsy). It was selling on Amazon for $53, and while I really wanted it there was no way I was about to shell out that much for a plush, especially when I had already paid $65 for a Signature Bernese Mountain Dog and $43 for the husky above within the last few weeks. So I checked the manufacturer's website, and not only did they have him for $36, but I found a 10% off coupon which allowed me to get him for $33! As a side note, I don't know if Amazon was stalking me through this process or what, but now this plush is $41 on their website lol.

So he arrived here today, and I'm so very pleased with him! I knew that he would be big because the manufacturer listed the length as 20 inches, but he truly is 20 inches long, making him the biggest plushie that I own currently (besides the humongous rabbit plush sitting on my bed). His fur is ever so slightly coarse but it's also soft, so it almost feels like real fur. The detailing on the fur is gorgeous, it's all different shades of grey that perfectly mimic the coat of a real silver fox. And of course, he's really floppy and I'm sure he will make a perfect cuddle buddy.

With this, I have now received all the plushies which I splurged on when I got paid a few weeks ago. I don't really like to splurge, I prefer to save up my money for future endeavors. I hate that I splurged so much money, and to make sure I didn't do it again I put my recent paycheck into my savings account with only a few tens left over. But that's not to say I regret these purchases at all, I really don't. This particular set of plushies is something that is really special to me. I love each and every one of them, and I wouldn't trade them for anything.

Chances are, though, that I won't be buying any new plushies for a while. I tend to take a 2-3 month break between purchases, so unless I come across something that I need at that instant like a Webkinz Red Velvet Fox or a WWF Silver Fox, I'll continue to talk about my existing plushies in this blog. Thanks for reading my blog, by the way, you're amazing! :-)

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