Introduction (Read Before Continuing!)


  Welcome to my Plushie Blog!! Hello there, kind reader! Thank you for checking out my plushie blog, where I will talk about my different pl...

Friday, January 14, 2022

Update #1: New Plushies and Leaving Plushies

 Here I will discuss the current state of incoming and outgoing plushies. Just so you readers know, I buy lots of stuffed animals with the hope that I will love and cherish them as I do all my others, and that they will make a great addition to my collection. However, sometimes it just doesn't really work out, for one reason or another, and I end up selling plushies that I no longer want or need.
On the other hand, I get new plushies relatively often, and my interest in buying new ones usually comes in waves (I'm nearing the end of a wave right now).

(Also just a heads up, prices listed do not include tax and shipping unless stated otherwise)


- On Jan 11th I got some new plushies in the mail, a Webkinz Signature Arctic Hare and a Peace Puppy. The Arctic Hare was released in January 2013, a while after I had stopped buying new Webkinz plushies because they were no longer available in stores in my area (many stores that sold Webkinz closed down). It was honestly one that I'd never considered getting, until I saw one listed for sale online and I got a good offer of $15. The Peace Puppy was released in September 2010. This is one I've wanted for probably a decade or more, because I've always been a big fan of peace signs and so this puppy really appealed to me. I can't tell you why it took me this long to get one, but after paying about $12 I finally got it.
I love both of these plushies, and they're both staying in my permanent collection. But it kinda surprises me, myself, that I love the Arctic Hare as much as I do. It's gently used, so I'm not worried about keeping it in pristine condition, and yet it still looks really nice and feels soft to the touch. I adore this plushie and I've been bringing it with me everywhere I go since I got it a few days ago. I almost hate to admit it, but I like the hare even more than the puppy. Don't get me wrong, the Peace Puppy is absolutely adorable, but this fluffy white bunny is just perfect.

- Around the same time I ordered the previous two plushies, I ordered a third one from a company in the United Kingdom, a Husky plush made by Faithful Friends. This one is actually coming from Europe, so even though I ordered it a little over a week ago, it won't be here until at least January 21st. The main reason why I bought this, besides it just generally being a really cute realistic husky plush, is that it bears a striking resemblance to the Webkinz Signature Siberian Husky, a plushie which can easily cost $200 or more. I've seen ones that are clearly used sell for that price. I can never truly understand how some Signatures are so expensive and others aren't, though I suppose it's not a coincidence that most (if not all) of the really expensive ones are dogs or some kind of canine. Anyways, this one was significantly cheaper than an actual Signature, so I'm hoping that when it arrives it meets the standard of quality that I expect from a $43 purchase.

- In speaking of Webkinz Signatures that are really expensive, I actually splurged on one. I recently paid $65 for a Signature Bernese Mountain Dog plush. Oddly enough, this is on the cheaper end of Signature dog plushies, since a lot of them go for much more (the German Shepherd usually sells for around $100+ and I already mentioned the husky being outrageous), but the Bernese Mountain Dog is a really lovely dog in real life and it's just as nice in plush form. I would usually resort to a cheaper option, but I actually had no luck finding a Bernese Mountain Dog plush that looked enough like the Signature so I opted for the last resort. It should be here in 4-5 days and I'm really excited for it!!

- This one has been in the back of my mind for a few weeks, and I just recently really considered it. So I mentioned before that I'm a big fan of foxes, and I particularly love the elusive silver fox, which is a melanistic form of the standard red fox (like how a black panther is a melanistic leopard/jaguar). These foxes are really beautiful and extremely rare, and the plushies seem to be just as rare. I found one particular silver fox plush that I really liked, made by WWF, but the plushie is nearly impossible to find for sale. All my efforts have come up flat. However there is one other silver fox plush made by Douglas, and it actually looks more realistic than the WWF plush, but on Amazon it was listed for $53.
Luckily I managed to find it on the Douglas website, and I got a 10% off coupon so it ended up being only $33! That's twenty dollars off and none of it will go to Amazon so that's a win-win scenario! I can't buy it yet because I spent all my money on the other plushies (rip indeed) so I'll have to wait a few days til I get my next direct deposit, and then I'm adding that beautiful boy to my collection! :)


- Back in June of last year, the day before my birthday, a plushie arrived in the mail that I had ordered for myself. It is a National Geographic fennec fox plush, and it's really cute. I've had him for about 6-7 months, and after thinking on it some more, I've decided to sell it and get a different one. I've said this before, but I hold all my plushies to a very high standard, and unfortunately the fennex fox plush I have doesn't meet my expectations in terms of color and fur texture. Its fur is a uniform sandy color, which is incorrect for an actual fennex fox, which generally has varying shades of tan and a black-tipped tail. Plus, the tail has a different fur texture than the rest of the body and it bothers me a lot. Like I said, it's a super cute plushie, but there is another fennex fox plush on the market that better meets my quality standard and actually reminds me of what a Webkinz Signature Fennex Fox might look like. Hoping this little guy goes to a great home.

Left to Right: the one I want vs. the one I have. They're both really cute but the left one just meets my standard of quality a bit better, and I really don't have the money to buy it without selling the other :(

- Another plushie I bought that I'm selling is an Australian Shepherd made by Aurora. It's a Miyoni plush so it's really nice in quality and softness. The reason why I'm selling it is because, in coat pattern, it looks very similar to the Bernese Mountain Dog plush I discussed earlier, and I would be much more content to just have the Signature. The biggest thing that bother me about it is the fact that it's stuck in a lying position (I understand that the above silver fox plush is also stuck in this position, but those plushies are very difficult to come by so I'm willing to compromise). Luckily I kept the tags on it so the next buyer will have a beautiful and brand new plushie to look forward to!

That's the end of this blog entry, stay tuned for when the new plushies arrive! 💕

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