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Saturday, January 15, 2022

Blog #2: Stephanie the Timber Wolf (Webkinz Signature)

 Stephanie the Webkinz Signature Timber Wolf

Name: Stephanie
Gender: Female
Obtained: October 2009 (originally)

Background: This plushie has an interesting story. I've had her for almost a decade, and I've always taken very good care of her. But she wasn't originally mine. She belonged to a friend of mine, whom I've known for almost 14 years, a very close friend who moved away a long time ago.

The Webkinz Signature Timber Wolf was released in October of 2009, so it is among the first plushies to be released in the Signature line. I personally never had this plushie; I had the raccoon, the calico, and later the golden retriever and the chipmunk, but not the timber wolf. This plushie was owned by an old friend, whom I had met when I had moved from one city to another nearby city. I'm really grateful that I had the chance to meet her, we became friends in the Summer of 2008 and we've been friends ever since.

In 2012 she and her family moved to Delaware, which is about a 10 hour drive from where I live. So except for one time when her family came back for a funeral, I haven't had the chance to hang out with her at all. We mainly keep in touch through social media but that's pretty much it. Well, except for this plushie. Before she left, she gave this plushie to another friend of mine (she also had a Signature Pomeranian, I don't know if she gave that one to someone else or took it with her to Delaware), and not much longer later that friend gave it to me. Stephanie has been in my possession ever since, and I've taken very good care of her.

Like Sylva, I have a lot of memories with Stephanie, even if she wasn't my plushie. I fondly remember visiting my friend's house multiple times a week, bringing all my favorite Webkinz with me so we could play with them. Stephanie was to her what Sylva is to me. This timber wolf is well loved; she's not particularly soft anymore as her fur is slightly matted, though she seems to be in relatively good condition. I know how much my friend loved this plushie, and I'm still honored that she entrusted me with it when she moved away. Likewise, I would never consider selling this plushie, even though the timber wolf is one of the Webkinz Signatures which easily sells for over $100. She means a lot to me, and I hope that someday she can be reunited with her original owner.

Fun Fact: My friend was a big fan of the Twilight series as a kid (I personally never liked it, but I would still talk about it with her) and so it's my speculation that this timber wolf may be named after Stephenie Meyer, the author of the Twilight series. I'm not completely sure, though, and it's not a big enough deal for me to want to reach out to my friend and ask her. It's just an interesting speculation.

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